• • • • Taxonomy
- DELTA: Description Language for Taxonomy - A flexible format for encoding taxonomic descriptions for computer processing. It can be used to produce natural-language descriptions, keys, classifications, and information-retrieval systems.
- Taxonomy and Systematics at Glasgow - About taxonomy and systematics at the University of Glasgow, with links to other internet resources on these subjects.
- Fairchild Tropical Garden Virtual Herbarium - Includes photos of more than 50,000 plant, palm, cycad and other cultivated tropical plants from Florida and taxonomic information on grasses, especially bamboos, and other economically important and interesting plants.
- BioNET - International - A global network of country-owned collaborative LOOPs to support national programs for biosystematics to support goals in areas such as sustainable development and pest management.
- NCBI Taxonomy Homepage - The NCBI Taxonomy Homepage
- Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification (ETI) - Access to biodiversity/taxonomic databases through the University of Amsterdam - sponsored by UNESCO.
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists - Promotes research and teaching in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of vascular and nonvascular plants.
- Science at the Natural History Museum - A world leader for research on taxonomy and biodiversity.
- Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification - Develop computer aided information systems -- to improve general access to, and promote the broad use of taxonomic and biodiversity knowledge.
- Biognomen - A Linnaean taxonomy arranged to show the evolutionary relationships among groups. One can navigate through the hierarchy vertically, or follow a lineage horizontally at a particular level of the hierarchy.