• • • • Phycology/Algae
- AlgaeBase - A database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.
- AlgaeSearch - Search for algae in AlgaeBase, The Indian Ocean Catalogue, Tree of Life, GenBank and Google.
- Australasian Society for Phycology and Aquatic Botany - Society information, resources, and links.
- European Journal of Phycology - Publishes papers on all aspects of algae, including cyanobacteria.
- Green Algae, Desmids (Chlorophyta) - Desmids are microscopic, green freshwater plants belonging to the algae.
- Guide to Pressing Seaweed - Includes instructions on collecting and pressing seaweed, ideas for science and art activities..
- Indian Ocean Benthic Algae - On-line version of the Catalogue of Benthic Marine Algae of the Indian Ocean, with indexes, geographical lists, bibliographies, and search capacity.
- Northwest Algal Symposium - Phycologists from the Northwestern United States and Western Canada: includes contact and activity information
- Phycological Society of America - Information about the society dedicated to the study of algae, its publications and links to other phycological sites.